25 Mar Puppet Show
Puppetry is a very ancient form of theater which was first recorded in the 5th century BC in Ancient Greece. Some forms of puppetry may have originated as long ago as 3000 years BC. Puppetry takes many forms, but they all share the process of animating inanimate performing objects to tell a story.
Time: 7 minutes total
- 5 to make a puppet and a story
- 2 minutes to perform your puppet show
The Challenge
Puppet shows have been a favorite of children around the world for centuries. Your challenge is to make at least two puppets and create a puppet show. The show must have a beginning, middle and an ending and include a short song.
- Your choice of an old sock or a paper bag (one per child participating)
- 5 chenille stems (pipe cleaners)
- 2 pieces of foil paper (12-inches each)
- 5 mailing labels
- Ribbons, trim etc.
Included but not part of your performance: Scissors and colored markers
Scoring: 100 points possible
- Up to 25 points for the creativity your puppet
- Up to 25 points for the creativity of your puppet show
- Up to 30 points if you show has a beginning (10 points) middle (10 points) and an ending (10 points)
- Up to 20 points for how well you worked together
Do Ahead of Time
Collect the following materials:
- Your choice of an old sock or a paper bag (one per child participating)
- 5 chenille stems (pipe cleaners)
- 2 pieces of foil paper (12-inches each)
- 5 mailing labels
- Ribbons, trim etc.
- colored markers
- Scissors
Have all the additional materials ready on a table
After you have finished the challenge discuss the following:
- How did you make your puppet?
- What would you have done differently?
- How did you come up with the story for your puppet show?
- Did your story have a beginning, middle and an ending?
- Was your story creative? What would make it even more creative?
- What could you do differently next time?
Follow Up:
- Using the same materials, repeat the challenge after the debriefed. This gives them the opportunity to apply any corrections discussed during the debrief time.
- Do the challenge again using different materials.
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