Debi Tipton’s Legacy Fund
It is with great sadness that we are setting up this page…
Debi Tipton passed away very unexpectedly on Tuesday, April 9th.
Debi was synonymous with DI — she was a founder of the entire Destination Imagination organization globally, she was the first president of the board of directors of DI Colorado, she was the regional director for South Metro for many, many years, and she filled countless roles over the years that most people didn’t even see.
But, more than that, she LOVED the kids, the parents, the team managers, the appraisers, the challenge masters, the training directors, the board, the staff — and the school adminstrators, building support teams — you name it. She loved them.
In her honor — and in lieu of flowers — Debi would like you to make a generous contribution to DI Colorado. Her wishes for the funds include scholarships (team registration fees, college, global finals fund raising support) as well as support for internal needs the organization would prioritize.
Choose the means you prefer — but help Debi’s legacy of supporting Colorado’s kids continue to accelerate through your donation. Thank you.