13 Apr Bridging The Span
Your challenge is to build a bridge that will hold weight.
As always… because we are in our homes some materials may not be available. Feel free to adjust materials a necessary.
Time: 7 minutes total
5 minutes design your bridge
2 minutes to show your bridge can hold weight
Challenge Details: Your team is to build a bridge between a 12-inch span that will hold weight. The bridge may not be attached to the hard surfaces on either side of the span and may not touch the floor. You may test your bridge before the 5 minutes is over, however all weights must be removed before the 2 minute begins.
- 2 pieces of paper
- 3 mailing labels
- 4 straws
- 8 pieces of spaghetti noodles
- 10 paperclips
- 2 paper tubes
- 5 twist ties
- 1 small paper cup
- Not included in your skit: scissors
Weights: pennies
Scoring: 100 points possible
Up to 20 points for how sturdy your bridge is
Up to 20 points for the creativity of materials building your bridge
Up to 20 points for teamwork
2x points for each penny your bridge holds, up to 40 points
Do Ahead
Collect the following materials:
- 2 pieces of paper
- 3 mailing labels
- 4 straws
- 8 pieces of spaghetti noodles
- 10 paperclips
- 2 paper tubes
- 5 twist ties
- 1 small paper cup
- Not included in your skit: scissors
Weights: pennies
Place two hard surfaces 12 inches apart. The bridge must be built within the 12-inch open span
After the team has finished their challenge discuss the following:
- What kind of problems did you encounter when you made your bridge?
- How could you have used your materials differently or creatively?
- Was your bridge sturdy? What else could you have done?
- Did you finish planning in time?
- Did you test your bridge before the 5 minutes were over?
- What could you have done differently?
- Did where you place the pennies make a difference?
Follow Up:
- Using the same materials, repeat the challenge after the debriefed. This gives them the opportunity to apply any corrections discussed during the debrief time.
- Do the challenge again using different materials.
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